Source code for gmql.settings

from .FileManagment import TempFileManager, initialize_user_folder, get_resources_dir
from .configuration import Configuration
import os
import sys

__version__ = None
__progress_bar = True
__metadata_profiling = False
__remote_address = None
__mode = "local"
__master = "local[*]"
__gcloud_token = None
__folders = None
__init_configs_local = {
    "spark.serializer": 'org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer',
    'spark.executor.memory': '6g',
    'spark.driver.memory': '8g',
    'spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max': '1g',
    'spark.driver.maxResultSize': '5g',
    '': 'localhost',
    'spark.local.dir': '/tmp'
__regions_batch_size = 20000
__init_configs_spark = {}
__configuration = None
__java_options = []  # ['-Xmx8192m']

[docs]def get_configuration(): """ Returns the configurations of the current PyGMQL instance :return: a Configuration object """ global __configuration return __configuration
[docs]def set_spark_configs(d): """ Set Spark configurations to be used during the spark-submit. Works only when the master is different from local. :param d: a dictionary of {key: values} :return: None """ global __init_configs_spark __init_configs_spark.update(d)
def get_spark_configs(): global __init_configs_spark return __init_configs_spark def set_regions_batch_size(batch: int): """ Set the number of regions to be loaded for each batch at the end of the materialize operation. This setting is very low level and does not affect the result of the query, but changing this parameter could speed up the loading of the results in Python in certain contexts. :param batch: Number of regions. :return: None """ global __regions_batch_size __regions_batch_size = batch def get_regions_batch_size(): global __regions_batch_size return __regions_batch_size def set_configuration(conf): global __configuration if not isinstance(conf, Configuration): raise TypeError("Configuration expected. {} was found".format(type(conf))) __configuration = conf
[docs]def set_master(master: str): """ Set the master of the PyGMQL instance. It accepts any master configuration available in Spark. :param master: master configuration :return: None """ global __master __master = master
def get_master(): global __master return __master
[docs]def set_local_java_options(options: list): """ When the mode is set to local, this function can be used to add JVM specific options before starting the backend. It accepts any Java option. :param options: list of string, one for each Java option :return: None """ global __java_options __java_options = options
def get_local_java_options(): global __java_options return __java_options
[docs]def set_mode(how): """ Sets the behavior of the API :param how: if 'remote' all the execution is performed on the remote server; if 'local' all it is executed locally. Default = 'local' :return: None """ global __mode if how == "local": __mode = how elif how == "remote": __mode = how else: raise ValueError("how must be 'local' or 'remote'")
def get_mode(): global __mode return __mode def get_version(): version_file_name = os.path.join(get_resources_dir(), "version") with open(version_file_name, "r") as f_ver: version = return version
[docs]def set_progress(how): """ Enables or disables the progress bars for the loading, writing and downloading of datasets :param how: True if you want the progress bar, False otherwise :return: None Example:: import gmql as gl gl.set_progress(True) # abilitates progress bars # something... gl.set_progress(False) # removes progress bars # something... """ global __progress_bar if isinstance(how, bool): __progress_bar = how else: raise ValueError( "how must be a boolean. {} was found".format(type(how)))
def is_progress_enabled(): global __progress_bar return __progress_bar def set_meta_profiling(how): """ Enables or disables the profiling of metadata at the loading of a GMQLDataset :param how: True if you want to analyze the metadata when a GMQLDataset is created by a load_from_*. False otherwise. (Default=True) :return: None """ global __metadata_profiling if isinstance(how, bool): __metadata_profiling = how else: raise TypeError("how must be boolean. {} was provided".format(type(how))) def is_metaprofiling_enabled(): global __metadata_profiling return __metadata_profiling
[docs]def set_remote_address(address): """ Enables the user to set the address of the GMQL remote service :param address: a string representing the URL of GMQL remote service :return: None """ global __remote_address __remote_address = address
def get_remote_address(): global __remote_address return __remote_address def get_folders(): global __folders return __folders def initialize_configuration(): global __configuration, __init_configs_local configs = Configuration() configs.set_spark_conf(d=__init_configs_local) __configuration = configs def init_settings(): global __version__, __folders, __configuration __version__ = get_version() initialize_user_folder() __folders = TempFileManager.initialize_tmp_folders() initialize_configuration() __configuration.set_spark_conf("spark.local.dir", __folders['spark']) if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): # if we are on windows set the hadoop home to winutils.exe hadoop_folder_fn = os.path.join(get_resources_dir(), "hadoop") __configuration.set_system_conf("hadoop.home.dir", hadoop_folder_fn)