Source code for gmql.dataset.parsers.RegionParser

from ...managers import get_python_manager, get_gateway
from ...scala_wrapper import none, Some
from . import coordinate_systems, get_parsing_function, null_values, GTF
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re

[docs]class RegionParser: def __init__(self, gmql_parser=None, chrPos=None, startPos=None, stopPos=None, strandPos=None, otherPos=None, delimiter="\t", coordinate_system='0-based', schema_format="del", parser_name="parser"): """ Creates a custom region dataset :param chrPos: position of the chromosome column :param startPos: position of the start column :param stopPos: position of the stop column :param strandPos: (optional) position of the strand column. Default is None :param otherPos: (optional) list of tuples of the type [(pos, attr_name, typeFun), ...]. Default is None :param delimiter: (optional) delimiter of the columns of the file. Default "\t" :param coordinate_system: can be {'0-based', '1-based', 'default'}. Default is '0-based' :param schema_format: (optional) type of file. Can be {'tab', 'gtf', 'vcf', 'del'}. Default is 'del' :param parser_name: (optional) name of the parser. Default is 'parser' """ if isinstance(parser_name, str): self.parser_name = parser_name else: raise TypeError("Parser name must be a string") if gmql_parser is None: if not isinstance(delimiter, str): raise ValueError("delimiter must be a string") if not (isinstance(chrPos, int) and chrPos >= 0): raise ValueError("Chromosome position must be >=0") if not (isinstance(startPos, int) and startPos >= 0): raise ValueError("Start position must be >=0") if not (isinstance(stopPos, int) and stopPos >= 0): raise ValueError("Stop position must be >=0") if isinstance(strandPos, int) and strandPos >= 0: strandGmql = Some(strandPos) elif strandPos is None: strandGmql = none() else: raise ValueError("Strand position must be >= 0") if not isinstance(coordinate_system, str): raise TypeError("Coordinate system must be a string") if coordinate_system not in coordinate_systems: raise ValueError("{} is not a valid coordinate system".format(coordinate_system)) if not isinstance(schema_format, str): raise TypeError("Schema Format must be a string") if isinstance(otherPos, list): otherPosGmql = Some(convert_to_gmql(otherPos)) else: otherPosGmql = none() pmg = get_python_manager() self.gmql_parser = pmg.buildParser(delimiter, chrPos, startPos, stopPos, strandGmql, otherPosGmql, schema_format, coordinate_system) else: self.gmql_parser = gmql_parser @staticmethod def from_schema_file(schema_file): pmg = get_python_manager() gmql_parser = pmg.getParserFromPath(schema_file) return RegionParser(gmql_parser) @property def delimiter(self): return self.gmql_parser.delimiter() @property def chrPos(self): return self.gmql_parser.chrPos() @property def startPos(self): return self.gmql_parser.startPos() @property def stopPos(self): return self.gmql_parser.stopPos() @property def strandPos(self): if self.gmql_parser.strandPos().isDefined(): return self.gmql_parser.strandPos().get() else: return None @property def otherPos(self): res = [] if self.gmql_parser.otherPos().isDefined(): for poss, sch in zip(self.gmql_parser.otherPos().get(), self.gmql_parser.getSchema()): pos = poss._1() attr_name = sch._1() typeFun = get_parsing_function(poss._2().toString().lower()) res.append((pos, attr_name, typeFun)) return res def get_coordinates_system(self): return self.gmql_parser.coordinateSystem().toString() def get_parser_type(self): return self.gmql_parser.parsingType().toString()
[docs] def get_gmql_parser(self): """ Gets the Scala implementation of the parser :return: a Java Object """ return self.gmql_parser
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_strand(strand): """ Defines how to parse the strand column :param strand: a string representing the strand :return: the parsed result """ if strand in ['+', '-', '*']: return strand else: return '*'
[docs] def parse_regions(self, path): """ Given a file path, it loads it into memory as a Pandas dataframe :param path: file path :return: a Pandas Dataframe """ if self.get_parser_type().lower() == GTF.lower(): res = self._parse_gtf_regions(path) else: res = self._parse_tab_regions(path) return res
def _parse_tab_regions(self, path): types = self.get_name_type_dict() if "strand" in types.keys(): types.pop("strand") fo = open(path) df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=fo, na_values=null_values, header=None, names=self.get_ordered_attributes(), dtype=types, sep=self.delimiter, converters={'strand': self.parse_strand}) fo.close() return df def _parse_gtf_regions(self, path): def split_attributes(attrs): res = {} attr_splits = re.split(";\s*", attrs) for a in attr_splits: if len(a) > 0: splits = re.split("\"\s*", a) # print(splits) attr_name = splits[0].strip() attr_value = splits[1].strip() res[attr_name] = attr_value return res actual_attributes = self.get_ordered_attributes()[:8] + ['attributes'] types = self.get_name_type_dict() types.pop("strand") fo = open(path) df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=fo, sep=self.delimiter, na_values=null_values, names=actual_attributes, dtype=types, converters={'strand': self.parse_strand}) fo.close() df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(], axis=1)\ .drop("attributes", axis=1) return df
[docs] def get_attributes(self): """ Returns the unordered list of attributes :return: list of strings """ attr = ['chr', 'start', 'stop'] if self.strandPos is not None: attr.append('strand') for i, o in enumerate(self.otherPos): attr.append(o[1]) return attr
[docs] def get_ordered_attributes(self): """ Returns the ordered list of attributes :return: list of strings """ attrs = self.get_attributes() attr_arr = np.array(attrs) poss = [self.chrPos, self.startPos, self.stopPos] if self.strandPos is not None: poss.append(self.strandPos) for o in self.otherPos: poss.append(o[0]) idx_sort = np.array(poss).argsort() return attr_arr[idx_sort].tolist()
[docs] def get_types(self): """ Returns the unordered list of data types :return: list of data types """ types = [str, int, int] if self.strandPos is not None: types.append(str) for o in self.otherPos: types.append(o[2]) return types
[docs] def get_name_type_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary of the type {'column_name': data_type, ...} :return: dict """ attrs = self.get_attributes() types = self.get_types() d = dict() for i, a in enumerate(attrs): d[a] = types[i] return d
[docs] def get_ordered_types(self): """ Returns the ordered list of data types :return: list of data types """ types = self.get_types() types_arr = np.array(types) poss = [self.chrPos, self.startPos, self.stopPos] if self.strandPos is not None: poss.append(self.strandPos) if self.otherPos: for o in self.otherPos: poss.append(o[0]) idx_sort = np.array(poss).argsort() return types_arr[idx_sort].tolist()
def convert_otherPos(otherPos): # print(otherPos) return list(map(_to_parsing_function, otherPos)) def _to_parsing_function(tpos): if len(tpos) != 3: raise ValueError("Position tuple has wrong number of parameters") else: if isinstance(tpos[2], str): fun = get_parsing_function(tpos[2].lower()) else: raise TypeError("Type of region field must be a string") if isinstance(tpos[0], int) and isinstance(tpos[1], str): return tpos[0], tpos[1], fun else: raise TypeError("Position must be integer and name of field must be a string") def convert_to_gmql(otherPos): otherPosJavaList = get_gateway() for tpos in otherPos: posJavaList = get_gateway() if len(tpos) != 3: raise ValueError("Position tuple has wrong number of parameters") else: if isinstance(tpos[0], int) and tpos[0] >= 0: posJavaList.append(str(tpos[0])) else: raise ValueError("Position must be >= 0") if isinstance(tpos[1], str): posJavaList.append(tpos[1]) else: raise TypeError("Name of the field must be a string") if isinstance(tpos[2], str): get_parsing_function(tpos[2]) posJavaList.append(tpos[2]) otherPosJavaList.append(posJavaList) return otherPosJavaList